Youth Director, Bobby Streight initiated a very popular tradition from his home parish in Corpus Christi, TX with the dawning of “The Senior Roast”. This special Life Teen event is an evening which focuses on the graduating senior class from the program. The entire night is run as an “open mic” opportunity. This year 6 graduating seniors were seated at the front of the room at a long table and served dinner and a beverage by members of the Core Team. After everyone got their food, Bobby invited any representative from the Life Teen attendees to step up to the podium and offer some “roast/toast” remarks about any or all of the seniors being highlighted. After that, the Life Teen Core was allowed to throw in their two cents. The night ended with each and every honored senior coming forward to have their “final say” of the night. Karina, Alyssa, Pamela, Ryan, Lewis, and Elise thanks be to God for you and all that you contributed to the Life Teen experience while you were here. There is no doubt that you will all go off to achieve a host of accomplishments. There is also no doubt that your journey will be filled with pitfalls and valleys. This is the nature of being alive. However, take with you the fact that after one year of Life Teen you should be better equipped to handle those inevitable bumps in the road. And you are always welcome back at STA.
The night was a tremedous success because it came at the end of a school year, a Life Teen year, and a high school era. The event was a valuable exercise in public speaking and I have no doubt that each year from now on will be smoother, and even more powerful. After all, juniors, sophomores and freshman in the Life Teen program now know what they have to look forward to when it is inevitably going to be their turn to sit at the front of the room as graduating seniors.
Consider This: Being a graduating senior is a significant milestone for every teen because it symbolically represents your passage from dependent child to young adult. For many it means leaving “the nest” and going out of the comforts of the cave and out into the “real world”. Are you ready? What tools have you gained so far in your life to better prepare you for the journey? Devote some prayer time to ask God to help you see all of the gifts and tools that he has provided in your life. A gratitude prayer is an ideal way of not getting too caught up on selfish wants and needs, and re-focusing on all the ways God is getting you prepared for the day you depart high school and embark into the world that awaits you.